Tuesday, May 15, 2012

KEGS - National Geology Challenge Runners Up 2012

A scratch team from Y13, Y12 and Y10 attended the National Finals of the Geological Society of London's National Schools Geology Challenge. Having limited time to prepare and even less practice of their presentation the team set forth to Burlington House in Picadilly to lock horns with three other schools from across England and Wales. The competition was tough, yet the boys rallied after a disappointing over-run of 9 minutes on their presentation to finsh strongly coming from 4th to 2nd finishing just two points behind the winners. A valient effort and given the presentation of a poster to display their prowess in the field the question on everyone's lips on the way home was "What happened to the Poster round?" ....... after all we were the only team to complete this advertised element of the competition.

William Smith looks rather stoney-faced at the result !